How do I verify my profile?

A step-by-step guide on how to connect your account with your player profile

Step 1 - Access your Premium settings
On your profile drop down menu in the top right corner of the homepage click “PROFILE VERIFICATION”

Screenshot 2023-12-21 at 11.49.12


Step 2 - Request to verify your account
Type in your player/staff name or paste in your profile-URL.


Step 3 - Upload proof of identity
In order for us to assure that the account you want to verify is actually you, we need proof of your identity. This can be done by uploading a photo of your ID, driver’s license or passport.


Step 4 - Submit your request
Once you have followed the above steps, you can submit your request by clicking on the “Submit” button.


Step 5 - Wait for review/confirmation
Once we have approved your account, we will verify your account and notify you. This process is usually done in a few minutes but can take up to eight hours.


Last updated: December 21, 2023